Saturday 18 May 2024


Tribute to Suniti Kumar Ghosh: One of India’s most outstanding

Marxist Historians

Harsh Thakor*

May 11th we commemorated the 10th death anniversary of one of the greatest-ever Marxist intellectuals. Suniti Kumar Ghosh. I was privileged to have personally met him in Kolkata in March; 2009.

Applying Marxist mode, in diverse spheres he classically delved into a refuting distortion of Indian history and the autocracy of the Indian state

I greatly admire his tenacity in the most adverse of situations to refute the ruling class and revisionist propaganda and still never going overboard. When many intellectuals fell into the quagmire of bankruptcy after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 Ghosh stood relentless like a rock. Till the very end, he grappled with the problems and concerns of the rebuilding of the communist revolutionary movement in India.


Suniti Kumar Ghosh was born on 18 February 1918 in the Sibpur area of district Howrah in West Bengal. After matriculating from the B K Paul Institution, Sibpur, he joined St. Paul's College, Kolkata, and received his BA with honours in English literature and an MA degree in English from the University of Calcutta. He adopted teaching as his career and taught at nearly eleven colleges encompassing East and West Bengal as also Bihar. He was an active participant in the Tebhaga movement (l946-47) and joined the Communist Party of India (CPI).


Suniti Kumar Ghosh joined the Communist Party of India (Marxist) sometime after its formation in 1964 and was associated with the editorial boards of Desh Hitaishi and People's Democracy—the two organs of the CPI(M). Being disappointed by the CPM’s revisionist he revolted against it he associated with a radical Bengali periodical (magazine) known as Kalpurush along with Saroj Datta and others. He wrote a series of articles that reflected the ideology of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution in China and the impact of Mao Tse-Tung's Thoughts on it.

The 'Naxalbari, propelled Sunitibabu into action. He accepted the role of editor of organs such as Deshabrati and Liberation which propagated the mass-line of the Indian revolution and became highly popular.  

He was an integral part of the movement for the rest of the decade, and only returned home when burnt to the last straw. In that decade of the revolutionary movement not only his family (his wife Anima and his two daughters, but he was subjected to turmoil.. He never forgot the martyrs of that movement, to whom he dedicated several of his writings. “I owe to those who, sharing my ideals and braving immense risks, gave me shelter and food when shelter was more precious than food.”

In 1974 Ghosh was instrumental in the formation of the Central Organising Committee of the CPI (ML), which made a constructive self-criticism of past errors of CPI (ML).  In 1977 he officially left the party stating.

“The COC held that the battle of annihilation of class enemies, carried out by secret squads of militants, cannot solve our problems nor can it serve as the beginning of the guerrilla war. That is why the COC considered it necessary "to participate in and lead mass struggles of the people on all fronts – economic, political and cultural – and establish the Party's political leadership over mass organizations to organize armed struggles of the peasantry based on an Agrarian Programme and for building up base areas in the countryside.“


Thereafter he ventured on a second phase, in which he methodically welded a treasure house of literature: The Indian Big Bourgeoisie: Its Genesis, Growth and Character (1985, then revised and enlarged in 2000); India and the Raj 1919-1947: Glory, Shame and Bondage (vol. 1: 1989; vol. 2: RUPE, 1995; re-published as a single volume in 2007 by Sahitya Samsad); The Historic Turning-Point: A Liberation Anthology (in two volumes,1992 and 1993); The Tragic Partition of Bengal (2002); Naxalbari – Before and After: Reminiscences and Appraisal (2009). Apart from these, he published several shorter publications or booklets: Development Planning in India: Lumpen Development and Imperialism (RUPE, 1997, 2002); Imperialism’s Tightening Grip on Indian Agriculture (1998); India’s Constitution and Its Review (RUPE, 2001); The Himalayan Adventure: India-China War of 1962 – Causes and Consequences (RUPE, 2002); and India’s in journals such as Aspects of India’s Economy, Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars, Economic and Political Weekly, Frontier, Monthly Review, and Visvabharati Quarterly. He dipped his pen as late as 2010, at the age of 92, after which his body simply gave in.

Since the 1980s, Ghosh was not politically active and did not formally belong to any political organization, but handed over the baton to those activists who waged revolutionary struggles in the following years. His academic vigour and political activism were intertwined. The root of his academic work was the Naxalbari struggle, and his academic work planted the theoretical breeding ground for the activists to bloom in the later phases of the revolutionary movement.

His arduous toil in the second phase were never ends in themselves; but part and parcel of serving the same cause to which he devoted his energies in the earlier phase. Now no longer in a position to directly participate in the revolutionary movement, he took up the mantle of neglected political tasks of that movement as if it was his very duty, in particular, the analysis and substantiation of the character of India’s ruling classes, the nature of modern India’s historical development and political economy, the revolutionary struggles of the Indian people to transform Indian society, and the political leadership of that revolutionary movement. No author has as classically analyzed the nature of the Indian big bourgeoisie.

He nourished revolutionary optimism at every juncture and placed unwavering faith in an India emancipated from exploitation and that the Indian Communist revolutionary movement would emerge triumphant sometime in the near or distant future. Many of his old associates were disillusioned with the future of the Indian revolution and joined the reactionary camp, but Ghosh never relented in holding the baton of the ideals he cherished. No intellectual gave the politics of Naxalbari such a concrete frame or shape to revive its politics.


 In India and the Raj 1919-1947, no historian has as analytically diagnosed the collusion or complicit role of the bourgeoisie with imperialism and exploded the myth of conventional historiography of 1947 independence as Suniti Ghosh did. He surgically contrasts the domain of the politics of the people of revolutionary violence with the domain of elite politics, which seeks to secure a place within the social order.

The book investigated Gandhi’s early experiments with Satygagraha, the collaboration of the Indian bourgeoisie with imperialism, the repression in Jallianwala Bagh and Chauri-Chaura, civil and criminal disobedience, the hypocrisy of nonviolent nationalism and goals and strategies of the Congress. In his book, he illustrated how the Gandhi-led Congress consistently acted on the behest or patronized the industrialists and landlords, as well as appeased religious politics and a grounded analysis illustrated how the Congress was devoid of genuine mass character and never took into its fold genuine anti-colonial uprisings. He projects the economics of a comprador bourgeoisie with intrinsic detail that did not divorce links with imperialism and explained how Congress leaders appeased or operated in hand and glove with the landlord classes. Ghosh evaluated how the Tat as, Birlas, or Singhanias acted as brokers for British capital and differentiated the comprador bourgeoisie from the national bourgeoisie.

In  ‘Himalayan Adventure –India-China 1962 War, Ghosh most comprehensively analyzed how it was India or Nehru who was on the offensive in the 1962 Indo-China War, by violating the McMahan line agreement. Even some Indian generals admitted this. He extensively quotes Neville Maxwell.

Ghosh logically probed the collusion of superpowers, the USSR and the US to conspire against China and promote Indian expansionism. They backed India’s declaring war on China and India’s claim over Tibet, which was part of China. Earlier appeals from China for negotiations for a peaceful settlement found no echo in the hearts of the Nehru.  However, in 1960 Nehru agreed to Chou En-lai’s proposal to meet. The Chinese prime minister accompanied by Chen Yi, China’s foreign minister, came to India in April 1960 to negotiate a peaceful settlement.  However, the hosts were not quite friendly; Nehru had assured the Indian hawks that there would be ‘talks’ but no ‘negotiations’. The decision of the Indian ruling classes to go to war with China was, as the Times of India noted, a political decision – a decision that conflicted with military advice. This political decision invited a rebuff from China under which the Indian army, the Indian government, and Nehru reeled.  In a short span of  20-24 October, the Chinese forces overran Indian positions, penetrated the NEFA territory, and occupied Towang (not far south of the McMahon line), but halted and again began diplomatic exchanges.  But Nehru was his old self-righteous, apt to turn truth on its head and determined not to enter into negotiations for a peaceful settlement of the boundary problem.

In Naxalbari before and after, in incisive detail, Ghosh made a balanced appraisal of the CPI ((ML), formed in 1969. Most illustratively, he showed how Naxalbari revolutionized Indian history and how the party shaped the rebellion of all oppressed classes. Ghosh most dwelled in his analysis of how the movement was based on the mass character and how it was a turning point in the history of India. He projected how the party, uprising, and masses were an integral part of revolutionary change and symmetrical synthesis of the party with the armed struggle and mass movement.

Although a great admirer of Charu Mazumdar, CPI(ML), and Naxalbari , Ghosh was critical of left adventurism’. He refuted the abandoning of mass organizations and movements, the path of ‘annihilation of the class enemy ‘, and the party's authoritarianism which was unable to obstruct all forces to converge. Instead of placing the blame on Charu Mazumdar solely, he asserted that the fault of the setback was due to a lack of collective leadership.

He dwells on the crystallization of the evolution of the Naxalbari revolt into the broader ideological zone, illustrating the dichotomy between the theory of armed struggle and the peaceful, parliamentary road to socialism.

Ghosh’s critique lucidly portrays the leader’s autocratic style of functioning, while it has no reflection of factional rivalry or personal bitterness. His book revealed that Mazumdar negated from the party the criticism of his line by Zhou Enlai and Kang Sheng, the two top CPC leaders, when the former emissary, Souren Bose, met them in Beijing in mid-1970.

In India’s Constitution and Its Review Suniti made a scientific dissection of the essence of the Indian Constitution, portraying its class character, exploring how the Constitution could not protect the genuine rights of the people and how in practice lot of what was enshrined was nonexistent.


In my personal view, Ghosh failed to analyze in what ways the path of the Indian revolution had unique characteristics being divergent from the Chinese path of people's war or how its semi-feudalism erred.

 I also disagree with his evaluation that the 1947 independence was a mere transfer of power or his complete negation of the role of MK Gandhi as a colonial agent, denying his role in bridging the link of Congress with the masses.

However penetrative his analysis was Ghosh failed to expose the autocratic nature of the formation of the CPI (ML) in 1969 or give comrades like Tarimela Nagi Reddy, DV Rao,  Kanu Sanyal, Kanhai Chaterjee or organizations like the  Andhra Pradesh Coordination Committee or Dakshin Desh, their proper due contribution to the revolutionary movement.

*A freelance Journalist. Thanks for the information from the Research Unit for Political Economy and Amit Bhattacharya in Frontier Weekly. He personally met Suniti Kumar Ghosh in Kolkata in 2009.


Sunday 28 April 2024

The fascist BJP has to be defeated in the 2024 Elections

The fascist BJP has to be defeated in the 2024 Elections but only through a genuine revolutionary alternative and not the tailiism of bankrupt political parties.

HarshThakor, Freelance Journalist


The 2024 elections are starting when India is on the verge of turning proto-fascist. In every sphere, the Hindutva saffron brigade has penetrated every sphere or rung of the social order and destroyed the very fabric of the constitution. Persecution of minorities, particularly Muslims has reached heights unscaled, laws or bills have been passed violating constitutional norms and jeopardising the projection of farmers and industrial workers like never before, economic disparity is wider than ever before, inflation and unemployment have sky-rocketed at an unprecedented level, democratic dissent has been crushed more mercilessly than ever in the nation’s history, corporates have been given free license to plunder at a level unmatched, and communal fervour has gripped every corner the nation, giving overtones of fascist regimes of the 1930s.

The political scenario e of India has been dramatically reversed after the 2014 Lok Sabha elections when the BJP-led NDA (National Democratic Alliance emerged victorious. Development was the only agenda of the BJP government in the election of 2014, which shifted to Kashmir and CAA-NRC in 2019. Recently, the Indian government has amended the preamble and scrubbed the words ‘socialist’ and ‘secular’ without any constitutional amendment. The government thus unscrupulously evaded the very base of constitutional morality in the Indian constitution. Regretfully there is no organised mass movement sprouting in the country, which illustrates the need to elevate the process of development of consciousness with historical bondage n of religious beliefs and feudal relations and practices far stronger than democratic values. 

Background (based on CPI-Maoist statement)

India is going for elections to the 18th Lok Sabha in 7 phases starting from April 19th to June 1st, 2024. The proto-fascist BJP is fortified to the last tooth converting the country into a Hindu state. Citizenship (Amendment) Act (CAA) has been on its agenda for a long time along with the Uniform Civil Code (UCC) and the present decision to implement CAA just before the announcement of the election schedule was to win over the majority Hindu votes, which will strip the minimum rights of the people of all other religions. While the electoral parties are busy trying to make alliances to defeat the BJP, their disunity in seat sharing only helps the BJP.

Rashtriya Swayam Sevak Sangh (RSS), the Hindutva organisation has around forty crore members together in its affiliated organisations penetrating various classes and sections of people all over the country. This is where BJP is rooted in its neo-fascist ideology with the saffron forces constituting above one-third of voters of the country fed brainwashed with  Hinduism, that unleash brutality at its most ruthless height on the people. With this massive penetration and absolute support from the imperialists and big corporate houses, the BJP government is carving the path to build ‘Vikasit Bharat’ (Hindu Rashtr) by 2047with this election is playing a major role in achieving its agenda. 

Parliamentary democracy in India is illusions Elections violate democracy and the percentage of polling in any General election is just 60 percent. Real democracy can never materialise in the existing semi-feudal conditions where money power, caste power, and religious frenzy are dominant..

While the ruling classes of India project it to be the biggest democracy in the world they mask an autocratic country where Parliamentary elections are held only to consolidate and strengthen comprador bureaucracy and to stabilise the exploitation and oppression by the imperialists of the world, domestic comprador bureaucratic bourgeois and feudal classes on the oppressed people of the country. Despite the t natural resources aplenty, the government is making the country more and more subservient to imperialist aid and technology. ‘Vikasit Bharat-2047’ road map, Make in India, Digital India, Smart Cities, Start-up India, Skill India, and Fasal Bima schemes are examples of instruments of domestic and foreign corporate companies. 

When the BJP captured power for the second consecutive term in 2019, it enforced several anti -Muslim, anti-nationality, anti-tribal traitorous Acts such as Triple Talaq, CAA, etc. UCC and other such Acts that transform the country into a Hindutva fascist autocratic state if it comes to power for the third time. 

Manipulating proceedings for election victory

The issue of electoral bonds exposed the BJP government‘s merciless strategy to escalate it’s monopoly. The bonds were money donated to the electoral parties, in lieu of expenditure on elections. The Supreme Court directed the State Bank of India 2 (SBI) to give all details. It must convey to the Election Commission the names of bond buyers, the dates and amounts of purchase, and the names of those who benefited. The Election Commission should communicate the data on its website to the people. Bonds already bought but not deposited were ‘directed’ to be returned. 

When the SBI finally submitted the details of the 18,871 purchases and 20,421 encashment of the electoral bonds worth Rs. 12,551.1 crores, out of which BJP owns Rs. 6,060 crores, it lacked details of the alphanumeric numbers and the serial numbers that reveal accurate details.

BJP is plundering funds in a big way to spend it in elections. ‘Buying’ the elected candidates, creating pandemonium in the state governments, and bringing them into its fold. It is robbing the funds of the opposition parties in the name of silly matters only to help BJP come to power. So, this is not at all a true democracy as it claims to be. 

The facts about the expenditure of BJP on advertisements additionally show the extent of its corruption. BJP spent Rs. 30 crores in 30 days starting from the end of January this year on streaming ads, mostly videos according to Google Ads Transparency Centre data. It clearly shows that the present fascist rule of the BJP in India is no more a ‘democracy’. 

Communal thrust

Another major problem faced by the people under BJP rule, especially tribal and Muslim people was evacuation. According to a report “Forced Evictions in India: 2022 & 2023” by The Housing and Land Rights Network (HLRN), 58.7 percent of the evictions were in the name of ‘slum clearance’, ‘removal of encroachment’ or ‘beautification of the city’. 35 percent were for infrastructure projects, 4.7 for environmental projects, and 0.7 percent for disaster management. One and a half lakh houses were demolished by the government in which 7.4 lakh people were forcefully evicted. In 2023 alone, more than 5 lakh people were evicted in Delhi being in the first place. Courts always were in favour of evictions. This is nothing but marginalisation of tribal and Muslim communities from society. The elections would intensify attacks on these communities with the goal of the BJP to provoke  Hindu sentiments and gain votes. 

The inauguration of Ram Mandir in Ayodhya on 22nd January was one issue that the BJP used as a weapon its political propaganda. Crores of people’s money was spent for the purpose. The construction of Ram Mandir, also a part of the agenda of Brahmanic Hindutva was done at the time before elections to exploit the sentiments of the majority Hindu people of the country. It also illustrated the Supreme Court’s anti-people character that gave judgment in favour of the construction in 2019.

Modi government created a propaganda machine of Nazi scale against the ongoing people’s movements through feature films. After the infamous ‘Kashmir files’ and Kerala story’ that Modi personally also promoted in his public speeches, ‘Bastar, the Naxal story’ and ‘Joram’ in the background of the revolutionary movement in Bihar-Jharkhand were released in March.

Regressive political economy

In the past decade of BJP’s rule in the leadership of Modi, Lakhs of workers and employees were deprived of employment in favour of modernisation of corporate enterprises. Casualisation and outsourcing of labour intensified in unprecedented volumes. Lakhs of small and medium-scale industries were closed to facilitate big corporate tycoons. 26 crores of agricultural labours are living miserable lives. 2.7 lakh central government 3 permanent employees were removed in the name of lay off and VRS. 15 lakh workers were removed from 7 big public sector organisations. Employees, small traders, students, unemployed, women and all the oppressed sections are facing the wrath of Brahmanic Hindutva Fascism. The Hindutva forces in power are making these oppressed classes a scapegoat in favour of the corporate houses. Such policies gain validity through winning the elections. 

BJP Modi government about India projects India as the third biggest economy, and the everyday turnover of various sectors testify that it is development pertaining to domestic and foreign corporate companies. As per the fresh assessment of IMF, the GDP of the US is 26.8 trillion dollars, and per capita income is 80.41 thousand dollars. India is in the 5th place with a GDP of 3.7 trillion dollars and per capita income of 2.6 thousand dollars. As per the statistics of per capita income, our country is the poorest in the G-20 alliance. 

The loan on the people of the country is estimated to reach Rs. 169 lakh crores by March 2024. In addition to this, the state governments made a loan of another Rs. 76,09,926 crores. The government collected more than Rs. 26, 51,919 crores from the people in the name of fuel taxes on petrol, diesel, and cooking gas. An amount of Rs. 1,70,000 crores are being collected per month in the name of GST. In addition to all the taxes paid by the people, the central government collects cess (special taxes) in education, health, agriculture, railways, coal mines, roads, infrastructure, exports, and other sectors. 6,68,400 hectares of forests were destroyed in our country in 2015-2020 under Modi’s rule. India is in the 155th place among 188 countries in the World Environment Protection Index in 2021. 

These facts and figures illustrate that the governments elected through elections only serve the coffers of imperialists, comprador bureaucratic capitalists, and big landlords.

Weaknesses within the anti-fascist Movement and correct approach

Unlike Western developed nations, Indian parliamentary democracy only had a semblance of bourgeois democracy, being still subservient to imperialism after 1947, with landlordism, morally not abolished. It is incorrect to equate the fascist tendencies of the ruling classes in India with the historical fascist phenomena in Nazi Germany or Italy. In those countries, these phenomena crystallized as a tirade against bourgeois democracy - while in a country like ours, bourgeoisie democracy never completely established its social base. Thus it is fruitless to adopt an anti-fascist classical model applicable to fascist countries of the 1930’s in Europe.

Regretfully there is no organised mass movement sprouting in the country to check the fascist wave which illustrates the need to elevate the process of development of consciousness with historical bondage n of religious beliefs and feudal relations and practices far stronger than democratic values. 

The last mass movement was against the CAA-NRC which engulfed almost every part of the country. The way that the students took part in this movement was outstanding exposing the general masses to the draconian laws of the country, under which a number of activists were arrested on fabricated charges of UAPA. It projected the character of the proto-fascist nature of the state, where the entire Delhi police administration rallied behind the RSS forces and even the Apex court accepted the Delhi Police’s biased investigation into the Delhi pogrom case. However, this movement scarcely mobilised the peasantry and working-class population. Being controlled largely by petty-bourgeois leaders and limited constituency-holding forces. (This para is based on views of Nazariya) 

The farmers' movement of Samyukta Morcha, has waged valiant resistance but its leadership has in important stages blunted the revolutionary resistance, and been complicit in promoting electoral politics.

The traditional left parties hardly undertook political education inside their trade unions to build solidarity on the class line and instead projected   Hindu-Muslim Ekta. The parties were correct to build communal harmony between the two communities, but they failed to wedge class solidarity and a working-class movement to force fascist forces to retreat. The opportunistic tendency of left parties misleads common people that all left parties are bidding for only gaining votes and winning a few seats in the election. Here, we need to distinguish between the opportunistic tendencies of the progressive section

Today most organized forces of the state and the on-ground fascist movement are operating complicity and are working hand-in-hand to suppress the people’s voice.

The history of Congress and other ruling parties in India is more or less the same. The Congress never eradicated or even restricted the flow of foreign finance penetration from imperialists. Under the regime of Congress, the first idol of Ram-Sita was installed inside Babri Masjid, and entry was restricted. Congress stormed into Nagaland to suppress their demand for nationhood. It paid no heed to the Sachhar Committee report in the interest of minorities, Congress introduced draconian laws like AFSPA, NSA, UAPA, etc. It was sold Indian agriculture to the WTO. This very Congress opened the gates of Babri Masjid in 1986 to sponsor Rath Yatra and brick worship. This very party opened the gates to globalisation and liberalisation, which sold out India to corporates. It was Congress, which gradually dismantled the industrial sectors. It never effectively combated RSS-like organizations and morally and craftily tried to support the idea of Hindutva Nationality. The BJP has merely sharpened the path that Congress was treading in the past.     It has also been a common e phenomenon of opposition parties like Aam Aadmi Party or Janata Dal to pamper Hindu politics and the indirect agenda of Hindutva and corporations.

To stir a revolutionary wave or combat against fascism, the independent initiative of the proletariat is an imperative task. The independent initiative of the communist party is essential to establish its own base within the masses.  Without an independent initiative, the communist party will ultimately be tailing behind the big parties (they might be social-democrats or comprador bureaucratic parties). The electoral left parties firmly adhere to the fact that the current regime can only be toppled through the electoral means and there is no other way to combat it. They also endorse the idea that the current political regime of BJP-RSS is fascist, and must be overthrown in the election. (This para is the view of Nazariya journal).

A united front like the Indian National Development Inclusive Alliance (INDIA) under the leadership of Congress will not check the wave of fascism, because most of the parties harbour fascist inclinations and show electoral opportunism. The history of fascism manifested that it takes a violent mass movement stirred by the direct influence of the ruling class. There. We have witnessed throughout history that, if the communist forces delay action the feeling of nationality blunts the class consciousness of the working class too. The working-class people rallied behind the Nazi forces not because they cherished d the working condition or facilities provided by Hitler, but due to the weakness of the proletarian leadership to act on time.. If democratic forces fail to undertake collective organized action against fascism, it will rob us of time to cut its weeds.(view of Nazariya)

There are also deviationist trends amongst Communist revolutionaries. Some like the CPI (Maoist) call for election boycotts, without establishing alternative organs of democratic power or requiring revolutionary democratic consciousness. In spite of great sacrifices and strides the people often become hapless spectators and indirectly the Maoists give support to ruling class candidates. On the other hand CPI(ML) factions like ‘Red Star’, ‘Mass-line ‘, or ‘Class Struggle’ participate in the parliamentary process without properly securing a re-organized vanguard party., with the Communist party being in scattered bits. This is capitulationism. The only correct approach is undertaking an active political campaign, calling for building a democratic alternative, utilising contradictions of ruling class parties.

Therefore, to confront the fascist attack of the Modi government, the true secular and democratic sections of the people need to garner a common solution around class and democratic issues. All the people of the working classes, including the tribals, Dalits, Women, oppressed religious minorities, and oppressed nationalities who are victims of the special oppression of the special Indian stateintellectuals, journalists, and other democratic sections, who are under the attack of this Hindutva corporate fascist attack need to build a front. This fascist attack needs to be combated at the ideological political plane as well as in the arena of practical class struggle. Communal nationalism in particular should be strongly fought in the ideological field, with anti-imperialism the real Rashtriyaism (concluding para is stand of Punjabi journal Surkh Leeh).

I recommend reading the pamphlet of the Democratic People’s Front of India convened by Arjun Prasad Singh which in the most balanced manner projects what the doctor orders in 2024. Elections.

Harsh Thakor is a freelance journalist .Thanks information from Nazariya blog, Surkh Leeh and CPI(Maoist)  statement on Maoist path.



Friday 14 April 2023


Bachhan's Fair Lady and the IMF Deputy Chief Geeta Gopinath Predictions of GDP Growth  


Recently, the IMF has published a GDP forecast in which India appears to be on the top in growth. However, the IMF does not have its own data bank but relies on what it is being fed by the respective governments. The accuracies of the data are not uniform across the countries and given the structure of the IMF it’s forecast could not be construed as objective. For example, at the Indian Econometric Society Annual Conference held in 2010, Arvind Panagaria based on the IMF forecasted for India’s GDP growth at 11%, asserted that it was sustainable! He also proudly claimed that if the GDP was adjusted with PPP India’s growth had already superseded China. Although Arvind Panagaria received Padma Bhooshan for eulogizing Congress government’s glorious achievements in bearing China (a China obsession), dream was shattered as India’s GDP growth feel to 4% at the end of UPA II led by Dr Man Mohan Singh which met a disastrous outcome in 2014 Parliamentary elections as it faced unemployment, inflation and corruption on which BJP led by Modi was voted to power.

People of India were given a hope that their plight will change under the new regime. However, rhetoric of China obsession was not going anywhere. The base year was brought forward from 2004-2055- 2011-2012 which alone had inflated GDP growth by 2.2%. GDP was now calculated at market price instead of factor cost which may have also impacted increase in GDP growth. GDP growth was revised from 4.7% under UPA II to 8% under the new regime. Initially, GDP grew @ 7.3% and it is worth mentioning that Dr MM Singh’s Govt. did not have the benefit of low crude prices which Modi Govt. did. However, in spite of India’s Finance Minister, late Arun Jaitely’s claims of sound macroeconomic indicator, GDP growth started declining and just before the Covid 19 pandemics lockdown in March it dropped to 4.7%. During the Covid period April 2020-April 2022 it dropped by 24.4% although independent estimates worked out by Prof Arun Kumar puts the figure even higherup!

Following the IMF forecast, BJP government sources are thrilled and both the IMF and Indian government are feeling trigger happy and marketing the Indian model of development to rest of the world. In the IMF GDP growth table India’s real comparator appears to be China in terms of size of population, started independent development about the same time and somewhat similar circumstances and level of development. In fact, a study published by Subramaniam Sway published in Economic Development Cultural Change in 1960 puts India above China in terms of level of development. However, important question is whether GDP growth really matters? Answer is no! First, India’s GDP growth has mainly been in the sectors of services (financial & non-financial), and capital intensive luxury goods which created an uneven demand pattern resulting in two India: Rich & Poor with rich inelastic demand and poor with elastic demand, perhaps stochastic demand pattern).

In fact, even during the Covid lockdown, financial sector grew in leaps and bounds. Second, this lopsided growth has not generated employment to meet Modi's claim of 20 million jobs every year. Third, in working out the growth, the informal sector has been unaccounted as the data is unavailable. Fourth, if the growth rate is adjusted for shift in base year and with inflation, one wonders where India’s GDP stands! In fact, in spite of tall claims both by the Congress and BJP governments trickledown mechanism has not changed the plight of people of India. In contrast, there is no doubt, China's 5,3% growth is slightly less than India, but China had a Zero Covid policy in force and has been lifted only recently. Given China's economy's base about 5 times, even 5,3% is a great achievement as it would add about 954 billion in the economy compared to only 184 billion to Indian economy growing at 6.8%. Moreover, since the 2009 worldwide economic crisis, China's growth strategy has changed in view of growing unemployment, economic inequalities in special economic zones, and poverty, it consciously set a lower target of GDP growth to address the internal problems and impact of global crisis. I should admit that both China and India were not impacted a great deal by 2009 crisis. Former RBI Chairman, YV Reddy wisely decided not to increase the interest rate and announced 55 billion non-cash stimulus package combined with India’s the huge public sector it absorbed the economic shock and China being a centralized planned economy. 

In contrast, initially China allocated US $450 billion, which increased to US $1.2 trillion and adopted a three stage development strategy. In first stage, it invested in infrastructure to generate employment and income. At second stage, it invested in urban and housing development, and at third stage, it invested in manufacturing and other sectors. Thus, China has followed a consumption led growth rather than investment led growth in India relying on supply side economics. In the absence of rise in income demand can’t be stimulated. A conservative estimate is that China has taken off nearly 650 million people out of poverty in the last 10 years, which is a great achievement. Hence, rather than glorifying IMF predictions numbers, focus must be on the plight of common man. As Prof AK Sen pointed out, India's GDP growth has been jobless. Unfortunately, right wing economists consciously and left unconsciously caught into the neoclassical Cobb-Web and India is heading toward the Hindu Rate of Growth.

Suresh Deman, BSC, MA (India), MA, DBA, M. Phil, Ph.D. (US, UK, Japan) 

Honorary Director & UNEP/UNCTAD Consultant 
Centre for Economics & Finance & Visiting Professor
PO Box 17517 
London SE9 2ZP 
Tel & Fax: 44 20 88594657 Mobile: 0044 7525857351 

  • BSC

Friday 16 September 2022



An old proverbial saying goes as follows, "Poetry is music in words and the Music is poetry is songs". Music, theatre and cinema have played an important role in national awakening and  social transformation. Now, even medical science has acknowledged the importance of creative and therapeutic art formations. In fact, creation plays an important part in processing emotions and helps in improving emotional health encompassing anger, low mood and bipolar anxiety. In fact, psychiatrists have recognised that medical treatment alone would not work in management of mental health. Creative art techniques via music, painting, etc., should be encompassing into talking and counselling.  Unfortunately, since the 1990s with globalisation even music and cinema have also become highly corporatized.     

In 1990s in India only a couple of TV channels were cooperating entertainment programs but today hundreds of entertainment channels are competing in India. It appears Sony Entertainment is dominating the in operating diversified programs, Super Star Singer, Indian Idol, Dance India Dance, etc. No doubt, these programs have done a great job in searching hidden talent and have given opportunity to many like Salman Khan, Sunny Hindustani and Pawandeep who would not have made otherwise.  However, it does not mean the process of selection is completely blameless.  In fact, this author being keenly interested in music, regularly watches most of these programs and also writes about them. In fact, author had an opportunity to organise a session Progressive Literary Festival on Role of Theatre in Social Transformation and also on social economic issues which received wide coverage in media.  
Alka Yagnik, Javeed Ali, Himesh Rashmmiya 

Recently, I was concerned about the procedure adopted by Judges in choosing 6 finalists in Super Star Singer 2 competition held on SONY Pictures.  In any completion, like the Courts & Tribunals for administration justice, three judges are appointed.  An odd number is chosen to avoid collusion and break the tie and/or in case of any disagreement.  Super Star Singer started in the same spirit and grate enthusiasm with Alka Yagnik, Himesh Rashmmiaya and Javeed Ali as judges and Aditya Narain being the anchor.  Out of dozens of participants in first stage after elimination 11 were selected.       

Legends Wahida Rehman & Asha Parikh

In course of several weeks a number of celebrities have appeared as guests among them Dharmendra, Waheeda Rehman, being the best.  In due course, it turned out that the at least two of three judges along with Mr Aditya Narain started engaging in a marketing campaign for their favourite participants prejudging as they should advance to the list of finalists.  For example, Mani, Pranjal, Faiz, Saisha Gupta, Samaira who were given opportunity to give their performance twice every week and others were only once. I also noted the judges openly promoted particular participant declaring them the winner and giving them seal of “shook the world” (Duniya Hiladi).  Of course, judges are entitled to provide a feedback o improve their future performance, but to engage in a promotion campaign on compensate (socio-economic background and announcement of monetary help to some) grounds is not the function of the judges. Of course, participants with great financial difficulties could be helped but must be done anonymously as so doing so openly may destroy other deserving participants’ self-esteem.  In this regard, Soyab Ali got my attention who not only gave an excellent performance but he has also gone through extreme hardship and loss of his younger sister.  I had not heard his solo song until last week that too when I complained to the organisers about it.  In fact, Soyab Ali along with some other was not kept on equal-footing ( ).  

Soyab Ali 

I noted that Alka Yagnik was missing for the last few weeks and Javeed Ali, one of the best was not even seen much longer. Himesh Rashmmiaya was also off for a couple of days. However, Alka Yagnik appeared from nowhere to judge finalists and when Soyab Ali gave his excellent performance, she sarcastically commented that he not only shook  Salman Ali’s chair but her chair too. In the entire process of elimination, the bias of at least two Judges, namely Alka Yagnik and Himesh Reshammiya was so obvious that Soyab Ali got only 2 medals, the lowest number compared to the finalists. A week before the Grand Finale, it was claimed that the finalists were decided on the basis of last 4 weeks public voting and judges’ numbers although I have not seen any judge assigning numbers to anyone. It was all arbitrary! There is another problem with the process as the public voting was restricted because Soyeb Ali was asked to sing duet and that too once a week, most of the time with Chetnya with incompatible nodal quality. In contrast his competitors had two chances every week and with 2-3 different songs. Hence, competition would not appear fair as all were not kept on level playing field.  

Prior to the finalists were selected, I offered to give Rs 50.00 to Soyeb Ali anonymously and asked Aditya Narian, the anchor and also sent a message to his mentor, Pawandeep, but no response was forthcoming. Usually, five finalist are selected, namely; Mani, Pranjal, Aryananda, Rituraj, Faiz, and 6th name of Saisha Gupta were added as a consolation for being a Baby Doll. Obviously, Soyeb’s elimination was a foregone conclusion, however, selection of Aryanand and Rituraj was a pleasant surprised who were the best.

Malika-a- Tarunum: Noorajahan 

It is commonly believed that Noorjahan's like voice appears once in 100 year however we were lucky to have such rare tonal quality voice just within 50 years which has been silenced unjustly. I wanted to hear her singing again. Certainly, she deserved a wild card entry. 

Rather than learning lessons from past mistakes on 14 September 2019 yet another unjust elimination of rare challenging voice of young Soyeb Ali who did not hesitate to take Salman Ali on. Both Salman and Soyeb come from same village of Haryana. In my opinion no one could match Salman’s tonal range except Soyab who at the age 8 has shown tremendous potential and certainly deserving of being among the top ten. Perhaps, he scared every one. However, once again Alka Yagnik chose to make premature and unfair comments as soon as he finished his song, “Today you were lost and was also go into No entry zone”. In all fairness a judge is entitled to make suggestion appreciating good parts and identify the deficiencies, if there are any, but not to ridicule the singer who was only 8 years old.

Aryananda Babu

I also had an opportunity watch the Finale too as predicted Faiz won the Trophy with £15000 prize money. It was quite shocking that Aryananda and Rituraj didn’t figured at 2nd or 3 place. It was all scripted as Himesh Reshmmiya had already offered to record Faiz earlier on and Aditya Narain erroneously claimed to have been liked by 3000 billion (3 trillion) people on U-tube which exceeds the total size of the world’s population. Clearly, being a well known music director as a judge of the Super Star 2 himself had engaged in promoting Mohemmed Faiz, clearly he had an advantage over others. Such an act on part of the judge is highly unethical and must be shocking to musical conscience.  Mr. Javeed was absence at the Finale which speaks volumes about the credibility of the competition. Aryananda


This didn’t happen for the first time, in another India’s voice show Anu Malik had shown highhandedness when he eliminated Krishnakali from Tripura who was ridiculed her although well-known script writer and lyricist, Javid Akhter who openly disagreed with Annu Malik and commented that her singing could not have been better yet she was eliminated.

Further, Finale deviated from the well establish practice and tradition of inviting the eliminated contestants, but on this occasion no one was invited. In course of an event of the Finale, Aditya Narain announced Alka Yagnik’s performance addressed her as the Malika- a-Tarunum and alo suggested that no one will match her level of singing for 100 years which was not only an insult to both, Noor Jahan and Lata Mangeshker and was also an irresponsible and reckless statement, but was also an act of an infantile disorder. One left with wondering how Mr N P Singh CEO of SONY Pictures could say it was the best show!!!