Tuesday, 5 March 2019

Uncle Joe Remembered!!!

Obituary, 5th March 1953

Joseph Stalin, also known as ‘Uncle Joe in certain circles emerged as a great WWII hero when his army steamrolled into Berlin in the face of fierce Nazi resistance. In spite of his criticism within the USSR which was blown up by the American led Western media soon after his demise, his contribution was considered far greater than his shortcomings! Even after 66 years since his death, an independent survey considered Stalin is being one of the most popular Men in Russia
Tribute to a Great Man who saved the world from fascism which led to the biggest surrender of any army in the world. Had he not succeeded, perhaps many champions of 'free speech' would not have seen the light of day let alone been able to open their mouths! Russian Communist Party chief Zyuganov described an incident in his book when Hitler's army was around 22 miles from Moscow, his commanders suggested that the time had come to go in the bunker....Stalin's telling response was, "You go ahead and hide if you wish I am not going anywhere as so doing would demoralize his soldiers!". In contrast, following the attack on twin towers on 9/11 US President, George Bush Jr was in the bunker for a couple of days!!! 
Perhaps the readers should know in spite of Stalin's criticism for being too harsh on his the enemies of State not him he was the first statesman who banned corporal punishment in schools which speaks volume about his other dimensions!
Joseph Stalin (1979-1953) emerged as an Avante Garde Hero of World War II often addressed as Uncle Joe by all the heads of States who allied in WWII against Fascism. He was born in Georgia as Joseph Dzhugashvili. Although he was a student activist and got in trouble with police many times he turned into a priest. He changed his name to Stalin means a 'man of steel'. He was a big film buff and he had many favorite American actors, Spencer Tracey, John Wayne, etc., but he was not in favor of nudity in movies. An excellent account of his biography can be found in Gurley's Book (a student of Paul Baran). 
Since the collapse of USSR and Eastern European Communism for the last decade Stalinism has been rehabilitated as the Neo-liberal economic policies have failed to deliver to a common man in Russia. In fact, according to a survey, one half of the Russians believe Stalin was a 'wise leader who made the USSR powerful and prosperous'.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/…/Half-Russians-believe-Stalin-w…

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